Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Ramblings....

I'm playing along with Simply Sunshine and Daisys today for:

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

I hope everyone had a fabulous Monday. My Monday went by so slow, but don't they all?

I took down all my Halloween decorations Sunday night and put up a few of my Thanksgiving decorations. I got them for a steal at our family yard sale a few weeks back. I ended up spending all the money I made on other people's stuff! HA!
(I really hated taking this cute thing off my counter)

I can not believe that Christmas is less than 2 months away. That is my favorite holiday of the year. I love getting together with my family and just having a good time. This will be mine & Eric's first Christmas in our house. I'm excited to decorate!

I have OCD when it comes to organization and cleaning and it DRIVES ME CRAZY (and Eric too). I can never feel like my house is clean enough or I have my stuff together and organized.

We have less than a month and 1/2 before we leave for our trip to the mountains in Tennessee. Eric's mom is taking us up there for our Christmas present. I went 2 years ago and didn't want to come home.

(me and my brother 2 years ago in the mountains)

My sweet Emmie has been clinging to us a lot more. She cuddled all day on the couch with us Sunday, but I'm not complaining. She has been so sweet lately that we took her for two rides today! She loves to hang her head out the window and let her hair blow.

We are suppose to have our first frost this weekend!! yay!!


1 comment:

  1. SO fun that you are going to Tennessee soon! I have only been once (last October) but I just loved it!! And I'm with in the world is it November already! i will be putting up my Christmas trees in THREE weeks!!
