Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Heart Is Broken...

Good morning to everyone!

Last night started off great. Me & Eric went on a date night to see Due Date. We loved the movie and never stopped laughing. After that we went over to one of his friends house where they were having a fire and just hanging out. This is where it gets we were leaving his friends, there was a car in the middle of the road and a lady was asking us "is this y'alls kitten?". We quickly came running over to it. It was in the ditch and meowing. This kitten couldn't be more than a few weeks old. It was TINY!!! We took it and wrapped it up. As I was dropping a friend off at her car I was holding the kitten in my lap and all of a sudden it crawls(FAST)down my leg and in the floor board of my car and continues to crawl up into my dashboard. We searched for the kitten for at least 30 minutes before we had to leave since it was already almost 12am and I had to work today. We got home and looked again to just make sure it had not fallen down some where we could get it to. Nope, no kitten. I went to bed with my heart hurting and couldn't stop thinking about this poor kitten who was probably freezing in my car, if it was still alive. :(

So this morning I go to open my car door and all I see is a white and gray kitten laying in my floorboard all curled up. At first I didn't think it was alive and I started to freak out. I grabbed it and at the very second I did,  it meowed. :)!!! YAY it is alive!!! Thank God! I ran inside and got Eric out of the bed(he was awake, but watching T.V). We tried to feed it with some warmed up milk, but it wasn't budging. At this point I'm already running late to get to work and I'm trying to figure out what to do with this poor kitten. Snice he was leaving in a few hours as well. Thankfully, it's the first Saturday of the month and that is the ONLY Saturday that our local animal shelter is open. So after deciding that was the best place for it, Eric got dressed, and took the kitten to the shelter. As bad as I wanted to keep it, there was no way I could have nursed it back to health. Eric said the lady at the shelter said it would live, it was just really cold and needed to eat. AHHH...Thank you !!! My heart still hurts thinking about it having to sleep in my cold car when it could have slept in my warm bed if we were able to find it last night. I am just thankful it came out and we were able to take it some place that they can help it.

So I made it to work on time and I'm already counting down the hours until I get to leave. Eric is playing in a flag football tournament that benifits the Josh Ray Scholarship Fund today at 10:00am. Josh is a guy that I went to school with that passed away 4 years ago in a car accident along with another one of our classmates. They are truly missed, but I'm glad that we can remember him today by doing something that he loved doing, playing football. Tonight his dad is having a huge pig roast and his band Crossroadz are playing at his house. We went last year and had a great time. I hope we can go back again. Although it's going to be FREEZING tonight, I'm looking forward to it!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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